
We are living a digital experience from everything around us. Industries and businesses are strategically placing marketing efforts in customer experience. There are a number of touch points in selling anything online. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling services or products or even subscription packs. Especially, eCommerce business of all sizes are focusing on better customer experiences. Particularly, if you own a WooCommerce store online, you must find ways to sell your products coupled with an excellent customer service. And when we say eCommerce business, the WooCommerce websites and web portals holds a broader vision for customers. Therefore, the key to executing a successful online business begins with a successful WooCommerce customer support tool. In this post, we will dive deeper into how a WooCommerce customer support tool work in favor of giving competitive advantage.  

WooCommerce Customer Support context: What is Customer Service?

In the first place, let us understand what is In context of eCommerce business. In brief, the customer service refers to how a brand manages to engage its customers across the web. Here, there exists three customer experience stages – pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase. Primarily, the journey starts from the first impression and ends with the repeat purchases. Accordingly, a robust Customer Support in a form of WooCommerce customer support tool is necessary. And, secondly, the user-friendly and intuitive customer support tool. Likewise, a well framed customer service will also offer better revenue, positive reviews, and lifelong customers. In contrast, a poor customer service handling leads to the opposite or even worse. 

WooCommerce Customer Support: 5 Trends To Adopt In 2020

1. Simplify the communication 

Nevertheless, the best way to help your customers is to provide them with a customer support helpdesk. As a matter of fact you should offer customer support through a support portal. In this case, you will have a systematic handling of your customer support requests. Also, a customer support helpdesk serves as a one-stop shop for questions, queries or concerns. Therefore, when it comes down to online customer portals for WooCommerce, Desky is hands-down the best customer support tool. For the most part. Not to mention, Desky is designed to provide easy access for your customers. For instance, your customer has a query. Compared to struggling for point of contact, your customer can simply create a support ticket on Desky. 

2. Offer real-time chat support 

The digital age brings the need to serve everything at fast paced. As a WooCommerce seller, your customers touch points needs to be pitched almost in real-time. Thus, live chat is an integral part of a successful customer service. Desky provides a platform to communicate with customers in real-time. Above all, live chat enables your customers to contact with agent instantly beating the wait time. 

3. Setup a knowledgebase

Meanwhile as a WooCommerce seller, you must provide your customers with an excellent support with minimal human interaction. You can offer them clear instructions and easy-to-follow user guide in form of articles. Certainly, your customers would be interested to have a resourceful piece of article to read that is written on a modern and intuitive customer support portal. Thus, a knowledgebase will build a sense of credibility in customers for your brand. 

WooCommerce Customer Support Tool (Agent-centric)

4. FAQs section

FAQ pages are a source of information for your customers. Add a dedicated FAQ section on your customer portal where they can find everything about that particular product. In other words, you can answer a set of commonly asked questions about your products and put them on your WooCommerce customer portal for customers to read.. Moreover, your FAQ page can be a valuable SEO and PPC asset. Say for instance, So in this case when your customer has a pre-purchase question, he will navigate to your FAQ page expecting some related information. Eventually, your customers feel independent and has a sense of control. 

5. Focus on employee experience 

There is a strong correlation between employee experience and customer experience. Besides, in 2020, employees experience is highlighted. That is to say as a WooCommerce seller, you need to emphasize firstly on empowering your support agents or representatives. Thus, a simplified customer support portal with a live chat feature like of Desky is an absolute treat.  Your customer support requests are way more easier to handle with Desky. Lastly, Desky offers a set of features that is simple and essential for you and your WooCommerce support team. 

To sum up, the WooCommerce entrepreneurs and brands look to close this worryingly wide gap in 2020. As a final point, we wanted to highlight only the key customer service trends that your support portal should include to fabricate a winning customer service. By the way, let us know how is your customer support journey have been so far.